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The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Its simple, if the Gospel is not preached, people can't hear it, if they can't hear it, they can't experience it. Believing in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins, is the only way that a person can be forgiven, made spiritually alive, and spend eternity with God in heaven. 


Sadly, many Christians in America have a hard time sharing Christ with the people in their lives.Many churches do not have any focus on equipping their members to share the Gospel. This is resulting in Christianity's decline in America.


Wake Up America is an initiative of Kingdom Enterprises to work with local churches to offer evangelism and outreach training.


Just imagine what would happen if even 10% of a church body became embolded and empassioned to share the Gospel. The sad state of the American church is that many churches don't even focus on sharing the Gospel.


There has been great advancements in creating a seeker-friendly enviroment and providing an entertaining church experience. Many churches have even developed incredible teaching ministries.


However, very few churches are experiencing the power of the Gospel and even fewer are successfuly equipping thier members to proclaim the Gospel in their personal lives. God desires his people to unashamadly bring the message of Christ wherever they go. This project is an effort to help this happen.


We want to help churches and individuals be equip with the knowledge and confidence share the Gospel. There is truly nothing more blessed than being able to be used by God to bring His love to another person Through the message of the cross.

It is our mission to WAKE UP America with the message of the Gospel.


We want to see this nation transformed by Jesus Christ


There are 5 ways to get involved




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Wake Up



Every week we have outreaches locally but our ministry has expanded to reaching other parts of the US. One of the best ways you can get involved is by coming out with us and impacting the community as we proclaim the Gospel together. If you are not local, you can reach out for free evangelism training and resources. These outreaches are opportunities for you to grow in your ability to share your faith with others and to gain greater experience working with other Christians who also have a desire to see the lost saved.


Many people struggle with personal evangelism, the either feel scared or unprepared to share their faith in that setting. Christ calls every Christian to be a witness and because the Holy Spirit lives in us, a Christian should never shy away from sharing their faith in public. Our ministry's outreach and evangelism opportunities are the perfect opportunity to grow.


You do not have to be an expert or have the answer to every question to drastically impact lives for Christ. If you feel called to share your faith and want to impact your city with the Gospel we want to help train and equip you through your participation in our evangelism outreaches.


If you are interested in getting involved in this way, please contact us below or by emailing us at



It is our desire to see communities, cities, and this nation WAKE UP with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We realize that this cannot happen solely through our efforts. Every great move of God throughout history was filled with partnerships and unity with other members in the Body.


We are actively seeking partnerships with Christian churches that want to see their communities by impacted through proclaiming Christ and spreading the Kingdom of God. We would like to ask you and your church to partner with us to help equip you and your church to share the Gospel, impact your community, and IGNITE your city for Christ. 


If you are interested in getting involved in this way, please contact us below or by emailing us at


Every great move of God is saturated in prayer. We wholly believe as a ministry that all of our efforts and all of our planning should begin with reliance upon God and the Holy Spirit's leading. Little prayer=Little Power. Much Prayer=Much Power.


We are dependent upon YOUR prayers. Please pray for us. We need people praying for our outreaches and efforts to reach the lost. Your prayers have impact. Please consider partnering with us in prayer.


Wake Up

We want to help equip believers to have a PASSION to reach the lost and preach the Gospel!


God commands that we preach the Gospel. Oftentimes, people need help and equipping to better share their faith. However, the foundation of all evangelism is supposed to be passion for the lost and passion for Christ. Without that, a person can have all the skill and "know-how" of how to reach the lost and still fail step out in boldness to share the Gospel.


As a ministry we want to wake up people to become PASSIONATE, BOLD, and CONVICTED Christians who share the Gospel on a daily basis.


We offer resources. outreach opportunities, and church training to help IGNITE you to become evangelists and bold witnesses.


If you are interested in getting involved in this way, please contact us below or by emailing us at



We are dependent upon your financial support. We are a non-profit and our ministry is supported purley by donations. We are serious about preaching the Gospel, saving the lost, and Igniting an evangelism and outreach movmenet in local churches across America.


If you would like to help us accomplish our mission, please financially partner with our ministry. We are the first initiative of Kingdom Enterprises, our parent ministry. You can donate through Paypal by clicking below.






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